• Article
  • 31 May 2018
Pete BurdenPhoto
Pete Burden

Airbus Gets Serious About Urban Air Mobility

Airbus Gets Serious About Urban Air Mobility.jpg + Listing Image

Airbus has created a new Urban Air Mobility Business Unit that will be led by Eduardo Dominguez Puerta, formerly COO of the company’s US-based Innovation Centre in Silicon Valley.

With this appointment, Airbus is integrating all its UAM activities – except its current air vehicle projects – through the set-up of a new unit to foster coordination both internally and with external parties such as Certification Authorities, Customers, Partners and Suppliers.  

Currently ongoing vehicle projects will remain in their respective business units and will now be coordinated by the UAM unit. These include Vahana, a self-piloted eVTOL small passenger aircraft, developed by A3, the company’s US-based Innovation Centre in Silicon Valley, CityAirbus, an electrically-powered Vertical Take-off and Landing air vehicle demonstrator (eVTOL), and VOOM, an on-demand helicopter booking platform.

“After a two-year exploratory phase we now need to gear up, build partnerships with various stakeholders, including air safety agencies, and define and conduct pilot projects. While we continue our vehicle projects, the new unit will be platform-agnostic and open for cooperation with other vehicle manufacturers,” said Tom Enders, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus. “Eduardo with his broad experience is the right person to lead us into the new phase.